Thanks to CCEF, Honda, Rotary Club, Parents, Friends and generous donations made through GoFundMe, we are able to take 12 team members to the FIRST Robotics Houston World Championships. See more about the championship events here: https://www.firstchampionship.org/houston
You might also be able to follow our progress here: https://www.twitch.tv/firstinspires
Aerospace Valley Regional
On April 4-6, we competed in our second regional at Aerospace Valley in Lancaster. We ended up ranking 22 out of 37, but that does not really tell the true story. One of the reasons we were that low is that other teams saw us as a competent threat for cargo balls and played defense against us on several matches. That’s the kind of thing you usually only see for top ranked teams. We also helped shut out Code Orange on their first two matches (sorry guys, you have an awesome turret robot), and they were part of the winning final alliance. We were selected as a first choice pick by the 4th seeded alliance, won our first match and then lost the second two, in part because our alliance partners broke down. We were eliminated in the quarterfinals.
Something weird happened at AV; our pit crew was bored. There was nothing for them to do after practice day, the robot never broke. Wow, that’s amazing. Think we got the issues sorted out with all the hard work at Monterey. Speaking of which, at Monterey our robot frame was damaged and needed to be replaced. Our team completely disassembled the robot, swapped in the new frame and put everything back together and passed inspection by 2:30 on practice day. Again, wow, that’s impressive.