2023 Week 7 Newsletter: 2/20/23 – 2/25/23
This week marked the seventh week of Team 702’s build season, where initial build of the robot was completed, drive practice was held, and we hosted a very successful first sponsor and community event. We had over 70 people attend, where we showed off our robot, showed off the work of our subteams, and raffled off gift vouchers making over $1600. This is an event we now hope to hold for years to come.
Next week’s goals are to do more drive practice, start making our autonomous code, and make final competition preparations.
This week mechanics helped fix the robot as we did drive practice, as well as working on making bumpers, and more teacher projects. Next week’s plans are to fix the robot when needed, build more projects for teachers, and make fun team spirit items for competition.
This week CAD continued to refine the designs for this year’s robot, as well as designing gifts for our sponsors and supporters for the Sponsor and Community Event. Next week’s plans are to 3D print new chain tensioners for the robot, a new safety light mount, new camera mount, and to help wherever needed.
This week programming refined the code for the robot. Next week’s plans are to make the autonomous code for the robot and optimize controls for driver use.
This week electronics assisted mechanics and programming at getting the robot working. Next week plan’s are to continue assisting with adjustments for the robot.
This week business continued work on getting donors for the Sponsor and Community event, and put on the event, and finished the Impact Award Video. Next week’s plans are to make final logistical preparations for competition and practice the Impact Award Presentation.
- Monday: 3:30-6
- Wednesday: 1:30-6
- Thursday: 3:30-6
- Saturday: 10-6, team lunch
Important Dates:
- March 11 – Scouting at Orange County Regional
- March 16-19 – Los Angeles Regional
- March 23-26 – San Diego Regional