Category: <span>Newsletter</span>

2023 Week 4 Newsletter: 1/30/23 – 2/24/23

This week marked the fourth week of our 2023 build season, where much progress has been made on a continual basis. We have continued strategizing for this year’s game, as well as award writing activities. 

This week robot build began, refining of the prototypes continued, awards were submitted, and more work was done planning the Sponsor and Community Event.

2023 Week 3 Newsletter: 1/22/23 – 1/28/23

Hello Robotics parents and mentors,

Please look for the evite sent recently and let us know if you can come visit us on Saturday Feb 25th between 3-5 PM. This is a chance for you to see what your student has been working on, what the team is doing and to thank our sponsors and administration.

Coach Stout

This week marked the third week of Team 702’s build season, where once again a lot of progress was made on our robot build and season activities. We have continued strategizing for this year’s game, as well as award writing activities. We also sent our evite for our Sponsor and Community Event on February 25 from 3-5pm. We also have a new donate page on our website.

2023 Week 2 Newsletter: 1/16/23 – 1/21/23

This week was the second week of Team 702’s 2023 build season, where much progress was made with our build and season activities. We have continued strategizing for this year’s game, as well as award writing activities. Now available we have a new link open for people to donate to the team. The team’s funding is held by the CCHS Boosters Club, which helps team 702, to be a non-profit organization. We would really appreciate it if all parents and supporters of team 702 to sign-up with Boosters, as it is crucial to the survival and success of our team. 

2023 Week 1 Newsletter: 1/7/23 – 1/14/23

This week has marked the start of Team 702’s 23rd competition season beginning with Kickoff at Da Vinci High School, where we watched this year’s game reveal, where we strategized and discussed the game, hosted by FRC team 4201. Then we went back to our room, and worked with our team to discuss possible plans for 2023’s challenge.

On January 8th, we hosted a strategy session with teams 1197; Torbots, 1452; Omnicats, and 6000, Firehawks to discuss and plan our solutions to this year’s game. We broke down all of the scoring methods, how the game will play, and various strategies to be able to find success in the 2023 challenge. We then discussed what we would build as a solution to the game and what goals we are trying to achieve. 

On January 14th, we held our competition test for students to earn eligibility to go to competition, based around game knowledge, safety, and positive behaviour for competition.